
Nautifly @ Accumuli 24/08/2016.
October 13, 2016

Testimonianza del RNRE della Protezione Civile dalle zone terremotate – Testimony of RNRE from earthquake zones

Riceviamo e pubblichiamo questa bella testimonianza delle attività svolte da RNRE a supporto delle popolazioni colpite dal sisma dello scorso 24 agosto….

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Nautifly @ Accumuli 24/08/2016.
September 1, 2016

R.N.R.E. della Protezione Civile nelle zone del sisma – R.N.R.E. of Protezione Civile in earthquake zones

Ringraziamo il R.N.R.E. della Protezione Civile Italiana per il grande lavoro svolto in questi giorni presso i territori devastati dal terremoto di…

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April 2, 2015

Consegna NautiFly ai volontari RNRE – Protezione Civile / Delivery NautiFly to RNRE volunteers – Protezione Civile

Lo scorso 21 marzo sono state consegnate le prime NautiFly75  al Raggruppamento Nazionale Radioamatori Emergenziali nell’ambito della presentazione della Rete Satellitare del…

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July 24, 2014

Nautisat technology is helping Costa Concordia to reach its final harbour

July 24th 2014: In collaboration with Elpitel (Satellite TV Broadcaster, www.elpitel.it) and Blue Thread (Navigation Solutions, www.blue-thread.eu) , Nautisat is assisting the…

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June 16, 2014

Nautisat @ Streaming Day

Nautisat sarà presente domani allo Streaming Day organizzato da Videoelettronic La diffusione video via streaming è ormai strumento irrinunciabile nei più disparati…

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May 21, 2014


Nautisat will take part in the ninth edition of the AERANTI-CORALLO RADIOTV FORUM, which has become a focal point for the radio and…

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September 12, 2013

IBC2013 – RAI Amsterdam

Nautisat will attend IBC2013 at the RAI in Amsterdam. This is the spirit of the IBC: More than 50,000 professionals from over 160…

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July 24, 2013

II Seminar Nautico Italy-Brazil Florianopolis: Nautisat is present in the excellence of the Italian shipbuilding industry

Nautisat also attended the seminar held in June in Brazil, more precisely in Florianopolis in the state of Santa Caterina where have met…

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October 10, 2012

Nautisat will attend at the fair Aquasur of Puerto Montt, Chile.

Thanks to its exclusive partnership with Hansair and ComTele , Nautisat exhibit its antennas in the most important trade fair of the aquaculture sector….

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July 16, 2012

Nautisat TVRO video Demostration

Video Demo of Nautisat TVRO 120…

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